Yes! An Admin can connect your organization's Jira instance to create and link issues to tickets manually. We do not support the ability to create Jira tickets for new crashes/exceptions automatically. 

Currently, we support the Jira v3 API, which is only supported in Jira Cloud.

From the Settings page, select the Jira tab and follow the instructions. Note that these settings are specific to the App, not the overall organization. You will need to generate a new Jira API token for each app that you'd like to add a Jira Integration for. 

We highly recommend utilizing the "Test" button at the bottom of the page to confirm whether the API call was able to create a ticket. 

There is no limit to the maximum amount of Jira integrations that can be set up per organization.

Once Jira is configured in Embrace, select "View In Embrace" within Jira, to be brought back to the Embrace Dashboard to see more details and user timelines. 

Note: For the integration to be successful, you must use Jira custom fields.