Moments are Embrace's powerful stopwatch and user abandonment tracking feature. They are best used to track critical non-interruptible user flows that are generally short in nature (no funnels). The goal is to understand where these user flows are running slow, ultimately leading to user frustration and app abandonment. 

Moments should have one start but can have multiple ends if the moment can end in multiple places (for example, the startup can end on the home page, login page, or from a deep link). If moments overlap (like uploading multiple photos), use moment identifiers to distinguish moments with the same name.

Moments should not wrap processes that take longer than 5 minutes.

Since moments are sent in real-time by the SDK, only send important moments in the app (2-5 is generally appropriate to start as they can impact app performance).

To learn more about how to use moments to improve mobile app performance, check out this article;