There might be a few reasons your session isn't showing in production or QA. When testing, manual testing on actual devices is the preferred method.

For iOS and Android, typically, the SDK will be given sufficient time to upload the session as the app is going to the background, but sometimes the OS will not allow the app to complete the upload in the background. To ensure the session was uploaded, relaunch the application. Refresh the dashboard in your browser, and you should now see that session.

When the Xcode or Android Studio debugger is connected, crashes will be suppressed and some sessions will not make it into Embrace. To capture crashes, whether, through debugger sessions or a standard session, the app must be disconnected from the Xcode / Android Studio debugger.

For iOS, sessions generated via XCUITest automation or other unit tests will not appear in Embrace. Typically these platforms, terminate the app before the app has a chance to send the data to Embrace, or they delete the app which also deletes the session data.