From the Settings page, you can configure app versions in one location and have them take effect throughout the Embrace dashboard. These include:

  • Setting the latest release.
  • Hiding specific app versions.
  • Configuring how your top versions are calculated.

These options are app-specific, so they will need to be updated within the Settings page of the associated app.

Latest Release:

Since different teams use different version naming conventions, you must manually select your latest version from the dropdown. However, once it’s set, you can easily have Embrace pages display data on the latest release, and they will automatically reflect the version you specify here. When it’s time to adjust for a new release, change one dropdown to hone in on your new dataset.

To set a Latest Release, under Settings, select an available version in the dropdown and choose Latest Version.

Top Versions:

Configure rules to automatically calculate your top versions (up to 20), and then reference them throughout the Embrace dashboard. 

To set Top Versions, under Settings, first set the maximum number of versions you want to have for your top versions and then an hourly session percentage threshold that a version must exceed to qualify as a top version.

Hourly session percentage thresholds:

  • Hourly - This metric is calculated for each time window of 1 hour.
  • Session Percentage - This measures the percentage out of all app traffic that belongs to a given app version.
  • Threshold - This sets the floor that a given app version must exceed to be considered a top version.


Hidden Versions:

To set a hide a version, under Settings, select a version in the dropdown and "hide".