While Embrace captures all API calls automatically, we purposefully do not intercept those made through open sockets. You will immediately see those not made using a socket, especially those made by ads SDKs, which can be extremely helpful for identifying quick issues, determining the cause of a broken startup, and determining issues with ads.
  • For first-party socket calls: Please send API calls made via sockets to Embrace using the LogNetworkRequest API via the sample provided below. The typical change is 2-3 lines of code. 

// For logging a manual network request:
// Example to get a correct timestamp, Linux ms format: long startTime = System.DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
Embrace.Instance.LogNetworkRequest("https://www.embrace.io", HTTPMethod.GET, startTime, endTime, 533, 633, 200, "");