1. dur: The duration of the network request in milliseconds.
  2. et: The end time of the request.
  3. m: The HTTP method the network request corresponds to.
  4. mu: The matched URL from the rule.
  5. id: UUID identifying the network request captured.
  6. qb: Request body.
  7. qi: Captured request body size in bytes.
  8. qq: The query string for the request, if present.
  9. qh: A dictionary containing the HTTP query headers.
  10. qz: Request body size in bytes.
  11. sb: Contents of the body in a network request.
  12. si: Captured response body size in bytes.
  13. sh: A dictionary containing the HTTP response headers.
  14. sz: Response body size in bytes.
  15. sc: UUID identifying the network request captured.
  16. sid: Session ID that the network request occurred during.
  17. st: The start time of the request.
  18. url: The URL being requested.
  19. em: Error message in case the network call has failed.
  20. ne: Encrypted data.