To get to the ANR Insights page from the ANR Issues List, select a method and choose the lightbulb to see ANR Insights for the selected Method.

Hovering over the graph, you will see two metrics: Actual and Expected.

Expected ANRs are the % of ANRs you expect to have that particular characteristic based on the population. The Actual ANRs metric is the percentage of the Actual ANRs with that characteristic. 

Using Device Type, for example, if 1.75% of the population was on an I9_Plus, you would expect 1.75% of the ANRs to happen on the I9_Plus. If we see a significant difference between the two numbers, it suggests a high correlation that this ANR is more prone to that Device Type. In the example above, 1.75% of the population is on an I9_Plus, but 25% of ANRs occur on this Device Type. Users on an I9_Plus are more likely to experience this particular ANR.