Why is the ANR-Free User % worse than the ANR-Free Session %?
The ANR-Free User % is the percentage of users that have not experienced an ANR in the time frame selected. In general, the ANR-Free User % is almost always...
Wed, May 17, 2023 at 10:31 AM
What Embrace URLs should be added to our Firewall/APN settings?
If you have Firewall rules or use APN in devices, please add the below URLs to your settings to allow Embrace to receive data. https://config.emb-api.com ...
Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 3:59 AM
What does the console log message "Truncated Span with name network_metrics to limit 1024" mean?
For iOS apps, you will see the message, Truncated Span with name network_metrics to limit 1024l if a session has made over 1024 network requests. Once the l...
Fri, May 19, 2023 at 7:53 AM
What does android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce mean?
It is common to see ANR samples with a stacktraces grouped by the android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce method in Crashlytics. This method indicates that a...
Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 9:18 AM
What kind of data is displayed when push notification capture is enabled?
With Embrace, mobile teams can now get push notification data; ID, Priority, Type, Topic, Badge, and Category in ever user session. We do not display the Ti...
Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 1:01 PM
Why do we have two types of ANR graphs?
The troubleshooting flame graph allows  users to see the full picture of the samples and identify different methods in different frames The Mmethod troubl...
Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 1:31 PM
How do I enable capturing Android crashes occurring in Android SDK frameworks/base/media/jni/android_media_MediaCodec.cpp:345?
To enable capturing crashes these types of crashes in Embrace, set the following value to true in your embrace-config.json: "ndk_enabled": true,  
Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 8:51 AM
Is it necessary to enable background session collection to collect push notification data in Embrace?
No, you do not need to enable background session collection to capture push notification data in Embrace. However, we recommend it.  If background sessi...
Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 10:17 AM
What is the role of the Unity network weaver?
The Unity network weaver fills nearly the same role as the iOS and Android swizzlers but works at the C# layer rather than the native layer. It exists becau...
Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 8:46 AM
What happens to event information when there is no network connection?
We have retry logic in place for situations with no network connection. Events (logs/moments/crashes) are added to a queue and when the connection is restor...
Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 12:40 PM

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